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Burn Stray Elissa Sussman Books

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Burn Stray Elissa Sussman Books

While not as good as Stray, the story is still entertaining. I am hopeful there will be more installments in this series.

Read Burn Stray Elissa Sussman Books

Tags : Burn (Stray) (9780062274595): Elissa Sussman: Books,Elissa Sussman,Burn (Stray),Greenwillow Books,0062274597,Fantasy - General,Fairy tales,Fairy tales.,Friendship,JUVENILE FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore General,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Girls & Women,Kings, queens, rulers, etc,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.;Fiction.,Magic,Princesses,Princesses;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fairy Tales & Folklore - General,Fantasy & Magic,Fiction-Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology,Girls & Women,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Monograph Series, any,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,Traditional stories (Children's Teenage),United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult FictionFantasy - General,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women

Burn Stray Elissa Sussman Books Reviews

Elanor has finally made it back to the mountain. Tired and hurt, Elanor takes some time to rest up. Soon the wicked queen will be taken from power. Things are looking good, Princess Aislynn, the mysterious Matthias and a group of rebels all prepared to go to battle, though the secrets Elanor keeps may have a hard time staying hidden as they get closer.

The princess becomes more powerful. Some rebels get caught and so they need to use the tunnels to sneak into the castle to free them. By the time, it comes for them all to fight, no one expects all these twists. The queen has a son, who she cares for. And the prince just happens to be the mystery guy that has been helping the rebels. Even he wanted to see his mother off the throne.

But things get even messier, when magic is used, then to find out certain objects hold magic. The queen withers away to nothing, they lose people from their side. Everything is just crazy at the end. But once everything calmed down, things will set into a new direction that I can't wait see where it goes.
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty I had really high expectations for this because I loved the first book so much, but unfortunately, I was really disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, it was still an okay read, it just wasn’t great like the first book.

Opening Sentence Elanor’s shoulder was bleeding.

The Review

Elanor is an orphan and her parents were murdered by Josetta, the evil queen who rules their kingdom. After her parents were killed Elanor was forced to work for the Queen along with many other orphans whose parents were also killed by the Queen. For years she labored as a slave until one day a group of the orphans escaped. Together they traveled to the mountains where they made a new home for themselves.

The orphans are older now and are determined to get revenge for what the Queen did to them and their families. They will stop at nothing to have the Queen removed from power and Elanor is one of their best warriors. They will need her strength and leadership for their mission to work. But Elanor has secrets and much guilt from her time spent with the Queen. Will her past deter her from her destiny or will she finally be able to face her demons and move on?

Elanor is the MC in the story, and sadly, I had a really hard time connecting with her. She has a lot of guilt from her past and it has turned her into a really negative person. I understand why she was that way, but it made it hard for me to like her because she was so closed off with her emotions. Elanor is bisexual, which would be totally fine if it didn’t feel like a marketing ploy. It just seemed like it came out of nowhere and instead of adding diversity like I believe it was meant to, it just made the romance in the story more confusing. Obviously there are things I didn’t like about her but she did have some good things as well. She was very cunning and an amazing warrior. She also has a very big heart and cares deeply for the few people she has let into her heart. But unfortunately, I felt like the bad outweighed the good with her character and ultimately it made me like the story as a whole less.

Burn is an interesting story, but it was also kind of confusing. I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but to be honest, it has been a while since I have read it. I didn’t really remember the world as well as I would have liked, but this is a companion novel so I thought I would have just been able to pick it up and not be lost, but that wasn’t the case. It took me a long time to get my bearings and for about half the book I was pretty confused. Another problem I had was the pacing. There were parts that really dragged and other parts that seemed to go too fast. But with all that being said, there were some good parts as well. I actually liked the romance once I figured out what was going on. It was steamy and sweet. I loved seeing familiar faces from book one and being able to get a glimpse of what they are going now. I also enjoyed the villains in the story. They were very dynamic and made for a much more interesting read. Overall, this ended up just being an okay read for me, which made me sad because I really enjoyed Stray and I adore Elissa. If there are any more books in the series, I will definitely give them a try because overall, I do think Elissa writes well and I think her work deserves another shot. If you like diverse high fantasy go ahead and give this series a try. I think you might enjoy it!

Notable Scene

“She’ll do.” Josetta snapped her fingers. “Bathe her, dress her, and take her to my chamber. The others…” She paused. “They go to my private study.”

It was many years before Elanor learned what happened in Josetta’s private study, but at that moment she only knew she was being taken away and it was only the huntsmen with their sharp swords that kept her from throwing herself on the ground and begging to remain with the others. And even though she kept her mouth shut, Elanor could not stop the tears from rolling, hot and fast, down her dirty cheeks.

“I won’t have any crying,” Josetta had said. “You’re lucky. Don’t be ungrateful.”

FTC Advisory HarperTeen provided me with a copy of Burn. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Burn by Elissa Sussman
Book Two of the Four Sisters series
Publisher Greenwillow Books
Publication Date January 19, 2016
Rating 4 stars
Source Gifted ARC

Summary (from Goodreads)

After helping to rescue Princess Aislynn, Elanor has finally rejoined the rebel camp she calls home. Stolen from her parents at a young age and forced into service by the Wicked Queen, Elanor now wants nothing more than to see the queen removed from power. But Elanor has secrets, mistakes she’s spent years trying to forget, and the closer the rebels get to the throne, the harder it is for Elanor to keep her past hidden away.

With fellow rebels on her side—including Princess Aislynn, Thackery, and the handsome and mysterious Matthias—it is time for Elanor to make a decision. Will she protect her secrets? Or risk everything to save the people she loves?

The thrilling companion to Elissa Sussman’s masterful and original fairy tale, Stray, that will appeal to readers of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and fans of Wicked, Into the Woods, and the Disney princess movies.

What I Liked

I was so incredibly excited to see that there would be a book to follow Stray, one of my favorite novels of 2014. I remember thinking that while Stray ended well, good enough for a standalone, there was a lot of potential for a companion novel. Burn is a companion sequel - it's told from a different character's POV, but advances the story from where Stray left off. In fact, Aislynn and Thackery are pretty big players in this!

Elanor is finally back in the Mountain with the other Orphans, rebels trying to take down Queen Josetta. There is something off about the Wicked Queen - her huntsmen have been going through different routes, expanding to different areas. Elanor used to be enslaved by the Queen, and there are certain things that she'd rather never remember. Elanor has been haunted by the past for so long. But she and the other Orphans are determined to make the Queen pay for evil - forever.

There was so much incredible depth to this book. Elanor is different from Aislynn (protagonist of Stray), and I loved seeing this completely different heroine. Elanor is totally kickbutt, able to wield a dagger or bows and arrows or ax with incredible ease. She's level-headed and somewhat stoic. We get a look into her past bit by bit, so we're slowly exposed to her story. It's a heartbreaking story in a very different way than you'd think. I really like Elanor and how her character is shaped by her past, as well as how her character grows throughout this book.

Elanor is also dealing with family struggles; her adoptive brother is going to leave the Mountain (which is basically unheard of, among the Orphans) - and their adoptive mother wants to go with him. This breaks Elanor's heart, preparing to lose both members of her family. I love that this book isn't just a fantasy book that deals with an evil queen - family is such a central important part of the story.

And not just for Elanor! A new character, Matthias, joins the Orphans after he is rescued from the Queen's dungeons by Elanor and Rhys (fellow Orphan). Matthias's father gave him to the Queen at a young age, and he rarely ever saw his mother. Matthias is sweet and eager, but also very determined and focused on what he wants. I liked him, even with all the secrets and truths surrounding him. He's an interesting guy, and I'm curious to how his role in the story will grow in the next book (I'm assuming there will be two more books? "Four Sisters" series?).

There are so many secondary characters that I loved and wish I could hug. Rhys, who is a charming sweetie. Wren, whose story is more heartbreaking than Elanor's. Brigid, who is a warrior in her own way. Even the animals, Dagger (a fox) and Cinnamon (a wolf). I love them both!

Stray was known to be an original fairy tale - I'm not sure if Burn is supposed to be another original fairy tale, but I think it's just as lovely and intricate and sweeping as a fairy tale. There is something magical about Sussman's writing, how she constructs this world, how she crafts the story. There is a character's growth and story, but there is also the rest of the world, the secondary characters, etc.

I like that this is a companion sequel! It takes off the pressure a little when the sequel is a companion. You know that the story will continue to progress forward, but in the eyes of another character. We see a lot of Thackery and Aislynn in this book, who are swoony and lovely as ever. I definitely see Thackery as more than a love interest, though I love his relationship with Aislynn!

And the series plot has developed little by little - there is significance to several magic items, and a connection to the Four Sisters. What will happen if someone has all four? Let's hope Elanor, Aislynn, Thackery, and the gang never find out...

There is romance in this book! It's such a sweet romance - I loved the subtle swoon in this book, just like in Stray. I love how empowering some of the scenes were, as well as how romantic others were. I won't say too much on the romance, but rest assured, it's very satisfying... I just wish there was more, especially towards the end.

This book ended well, just like a standalone, really! Which makes sense, since it seems like each book in the series will be a companion that could function as a standalone but also advances the plot really well. No cliffhanger (thank goodness - my last few reads have had cliffhanger after cliffhanger!), no brutal ending. I can't wait to read the next book!

What I Did Not Like

There is one loose thread that was not tied, and it's bothering me a lot. Unfortunately I can't say it here without spoiling a whole bunch of things (literally it's a small sentence but it would unravel so much if I typed it). I want to know more about This Certain Thing, because it didn't get resolve in the end, and it mad me sad. However, it's highly possible that the author will include more resolution to This Certain Thing in future books, just like how we saw so much of Thackery, and Aislynn, from Stray. Right? *rationalizes everything*

Would I Recommend It

I highly recommend this series! I adore the fantasy, the fairy tale, the world that Sussman has created, and the characters especially. There is a beautiful quality to these stories! You don't have to be a fantasy fan to enjoy them. And the books read so quickly!


4.5 stars -> rounded down to 4 stars. Unfortunately that Certain Thing dropped my rating slightly - but I so loved this book. I can't wait to read more!
This was a great second book to the series. I can't wait for the next book
Great condition. Great book!
I can't wait for the next one in the series. I hope it this year. Thank you Elissa Sussman for writing this wonderful stories.
While not as good as Stray, the story is still entertaining. I am hopeful there will be more installments in this series.
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